Performance and Application of Beijing Great Pack high temperature fire sleeves

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Beijing Great Pack  high temperature protective sleeve as a global industry leader in brand, from its inception to a wide range of applications in various industries, and has achieved critical acclaim. In the high-temperature region metallurgy, steel, coal, coke and other more intensive industries, security personnel has been more concerned about the place, Beijing Great Pack professional, focused, concentrate on products and services to address this issue.
Fire sleeve features and application :
High temperature silicone sleeve surface structure containing bothg1 “organic group” and also contain “inorganic structure”, this particular composition and molecular structure of organic matter to make it set features and functions in an inorganic substance. Compared with other polymer materials, the most prominent is the high temperature performance. Silicon – oxygen (Si-O) bond as the main chain structure, C-C bond energy of 82.6 kcal / mole, Si-O bond bond energy of 121 kcal / mol in the silicone, so its high thermal stability, high temperature (or radiation) molecular bond is not broken, do not break down. Silicone not only temperature but also low temperature, it can be used over a wide temperature range. Whether or chemical properties physical and mechanical properties, with the temperature changes are small
Common area
High-temperature region of steel, metallurgy, shipbuilding and other industries such as chemical, heating region cables, fluid lines, rolling mill cable, tubing, cutting the sides cable, generators, voltage electrical equipment, large buildings, hydraulic systems, automotive wire harnesses and exhaust windpipe.
g2               g3